International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology

ISSN: 1936-2625


IJCEP: Manuscript Submission

All manuscript must be submitted online. Click to submit your manuscript.

The journal invites submission of all original clinical and basic research articles, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor.

The manuscript must be formatted in IJCEP's style before submission as shown in the Sample Manuscript. Please download EndNote X or Reference Manager Output Style for IJCEP from the following link:

EndNote X Output Style for IJCEP: IJCEP_EndNote

Reference Manager Output Style for IJCEP: IJCEP_RefMan

Check list before submission

1. The entire manuscript is in the single Word file including all tables and figures as shown in the Sample Manuscript.
2. Title must be concise and normally not longer than two-typed lines at size of 12 points;
3. Author Names have to be in Standard English format such as: John F Smith, Da-Ming Wang;
4. The affiliation of each author has to be numbered (See Sample Manuscript for detail);
5. Corresponding author and contact information is properly provided;
6. Short Running Title is provided;
7. Acknowledgment including funding information, if any is provided;
8. Statement of conflict of interest is provided.
9. Abstract is included;
10. Keywords are included;
11. All tables, if any are created with MS Word "Insert Table" function and provided in Word file;
12. All figures are provided in high quality tiff, jpeg or PDF format. All text in figures is in Arial font;
13. All tables and figures, if any are mentioned orderly in the main text;
14. The references have been formatted to IJCEP’s style;
15. Cover letter with your submission and 3-5 potential reviewers for your manuscript are provided.

All manuscripts must be submitted online. Please click to submit your manuscript and should be in compliance with the journal’s publication policies and standards. If you have any problem with the online manuscript submission, please contact us at by e-mail.

Please read the Information for Author if you have not done so and make sure to attach the cover letter with your submission and provide 3-5
potential reviewers for your manuscript.